Photography Exhibition November 16th - December 31st
Are you someone who enjoys art? Have you ever attended a photography exhibition? I think we have found the perfect event for you!
From November 16th until December 16th Be sure to stop by 303 Main street to check this out. Showcasing our local talent it is the perfect event to support. Being able to experience some of the shots these photographers get is truly captivating. These exhibitions are something you will try once and then be waiting impatiently for the next one to pop up!
And as an added Bonus there will be opportunities to meet some of the photography club and even a gear sale being held. this is the perfect chance to not only see what kind of photography you may be interested in but maybe pick up some used gear to get some deals on top of the line equipment.
We have added a link below to allow you to navigate easily over to their web page for more information. and if you like what you have seen so far be sure to check out more C21 Blog material below. There is also an option to subscribe to never miss an event!